Monday, October 08, 2007


To Our Reading Public...

...who doesn't really exist except that one girl who once wrote us mean comments. And I bet she's gone by now, since neither of us has posted in almost a year. But that's not the point. The point is...we're back.

Well, we're trying to be back. We both have plans for striving down weight loss road again and would like to attempt to encourage each other from a great distance of three hours away. So here we are. Write and diet. Exercise and diet. Exercise and write. It's gonna be awesome.

My initial goal: 20 lbs. by Christmas (Will make long term goal later). Easy, right?
Katharine's goal: down a dress size by Christmas. 40 lbs. eventually.
Easy, right?

Okay, maybe not EASY. But that doesn't mean we can't do it.

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