Monday, March 27, 2006


The First Day

Day: 1
Mood: Optimistic
Weight: 30 lbs.

Breakfast: 1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal with 1 cup of Skim Milk.

If I'm going to eat cereal, it is generally something frosted (Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini-wheats). This is the first time I've ever eaten Kashi anything. I enjoyed it and, though it isn't nearly as sweet as my normal breakfast cereal selection, there is a sort of wholesome sweetness about it. I also enjoyed having an entire cup of milk in my cereal- I can't remember the last time I did that, PLUS the Kashi did not get soggy. And I like knowing that with the repetition of the word 'fiber' on the box, it's not the sort of thing my roommates are likely to eat while I'm out of the house.

Lunch: Mixed Greens with Chicken, tomato, avocado, balsamic vinegar.

I was more than a little nervous about trying precooked, presliced chicken, but it was tasty. I made this salad up in the morning, using the 60-40 veggie to meat plate ratio, then poured it into a tupperware container and brought it to work. Turned out great.

Dinner: TBC

Currently, I'm planning on cooking up some Mushroom Soup, per the Sonoma Diet book's recipe, and having that with a slice of whole grain bread. Have not figured out yet if the Mushroom Soup (made with chicken broth) qualifies as a protein or a veggie. I will also probably cook up some chicken tonight, since I am constantly on the go on Tuesdays and don't have time to cook.

To be continued...

Bad Things About Day One:
- Spending $81.07 at the Grocery
- Giving my just ripened plums away to a co-worker. Later walking by co-worker's desk and smelling sweet, ripe plum.
- emailing about chocolate cake with my friend

Good Things About Day One:
- Avocado.
- Starting this blog.
- Feeling very hyped up about my diet.

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