Thursday, March 30, 2006


The Fourth Day

Day: 4
Mood: I feel even...if that makes sense. I'm getting used to the diet. Everything's starting to even out.
Weight: 24-1/2 lbs.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store- again! Once I am done Phase One, I am switching to a lot of frozen foods, because all of this fresh stuff is going to bankrupt me. I dropped another $80. Part of this is my own fault, outside of the diet...because I felt the need to get two boxes of expensive tea and a fairly expensive dish of sundried tomatoes. Mmmm. And I needed cat food (which is not on the diet). And a lot of the stuff I am getting (red wine vinegar and dried marjoram, for instance) is stuff I'm buying now but won't have to buy later.

One of the teas I purchased is Ginger and it's supposed to be a digestive. I thought my body had gotten used to the excessive fiber yesterday, but it hadn't. The ginger tea is supposed to help- so say the New Age types who made the box. There are Yoga instructions on the box. That's all I'm going to write about that fun topic.

I've found that sundried tomatoes make an excellent snack. They don't quite fit into the diet- tomatoes are encouraged, but they do include some glucose. However, it isn't like I'm popping them in all day. I'm having a few, as a snack. I ate about six yesterday and still lost weight. So I've decided they're alright.

I do find myself drinking more diet soda, because I feel the need for something sweet. Pre-diet, I had a soda or two a week (unless hungover...Coke was originially created as a hangover remedy).

Yesterday, I went to the gym and burnt over 200 calories. Stripper class was postponed until tonight.

Today I took my diet on the road and had lunch with a friend at Moe's. It felt very nice to have someone else cook for me! I ate a little bit more than I should have and my meal was perhaps slightly protein heavy but besides that I was in the diet parameters.

Today's Meals of Happiness and Joy:

Breakfast: One egg, overeasy, black beans, tomatoes, red peppers, 1/2 of a whole grain bagel.

I made up a variation of The Spanish Eggs featured in the Book. I sauteed the veggies and beans together with olive oil, garlic and chili powder. I cooked the egg in that lovely mess and it was absolutely delicious. Having gobs of veggies with breakfast is fun and tasty. Plus, I've discovered the truth behind a hunch I've had lately: I love red peppers!

Lunch: Shredded lettuce with grilled chicken, black beans and olives. Small amount of spicy salsa.

This is Moe's Close Talker salad without all the fun stuff, like the fried shell, cheddar cheese, sour cream and their excellent Southwest dressing. Yeah, I had none of that. But it was still very tasty, and I washed it all down with two refreshing glasses of Minute Maid Light Lemonade (five calories per serving).

Dinner: 1/2 a whole grain bagel, Blue Cheese Steak Salad.

I'm going to use the extra steak from last night (which was delicious) over a spinach salad with blue cheese in it. There may be slightly more to the recipe. It's in the Book. And probably a side of mushroom soup, because that's a vegetable and I really need to eat it up, since I still have four servings left.

Snack: This will probably be sundried tomatoes or roasted almonds.

Good Things About Day Four:
- Being down almost six pounds.
- Sundried tomatoes.
- Going out to lunch.

Bad Things About Day Four:
- Realizing I do not get any kind of pizza until Wave Two.
- Yesterday's large grocery bill.
- Thinking about how tough it is going to be to stay on the diet when I'm on my business trip this weekend.

No diet will remove all the fat from your body because the brain is entirely fat. Without a brain, you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.
~ George Bernard Shaw

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