Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The Second Day

Day: 2
Mood: Wary...how did I lose three pounds in one day?
Weight: 27 lbs.

Okay, so I don't feel good about a diet that makes me lose three pounds on the first day.

Don't get me wrong. I'm thrilled to have lost the three pounds. But I know there will come a day (probably today) when I do not lose three pounds. After all, if I lost three pounds a day every day, I'd only have to do this diet through the first wave. And then I'd possibly spend some time in the hospital. Then there will come a week when I do not lose three pounds. And then there will be three weeks when I do not lose three pounds. And I will feel extremely discouraged.

But for now, let me indulge in a brief moment of: Woohoo! I lost three pounds!

Last night, I made the Mushroom soup and it was delicious, though I need to learn to chop thyme better. I actually had the soup as a snack while I was cooking the rest of my dinner: Easy Balsamic Chicken (a recipe from the book) mixed greens, and whole wheat pasta.

Overall, the meals yesterday were very satisfying. I was hungry between breakfast and lunch, but I always am. If I didn't get hungry, I wouldn't eat lunch. And I was hungry between lunch and dinner, but that is only because I forgot to pack a snack.

I've been drinking a lot of water and a ton of unsweetened ice tea. Probably too much iced tea. But part of that has to do with my discovery of Lipton Cold Brew bags and the fact that my inner Southern girl has just crawled out of hibernation. My inner Southern girl LOVES iced tea...especially sweet tea, but I guess she'll just have to do without the sweet.

Here are today's meals. I've only had breakfast so far, but I had to pack the other meals since I am on the go all day today. This made me about a half hour late to work. Still, I've been late to work for less important reasons than eating healthy.

Breakfast: 1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal with 1 cup of Skim Milk.

Though every diet I've ever read encourages you to sit down and eat your meal while doing nothing else (watching TV, reading, etc.), I found it easy to eat the cereal standing in my kitchen while I packed the rest of my meals.

Lunch: Mixed Greens with chicken and avocado in balsamic vinegar.

Today I used two servings of avocado, which counts as a fat/oil, and layered the chicken and avocado on top of the greens. I'm actually getting hungry just writing about it. At some point in the near future, I will probably want to find something else to eat for lunch. If nothing else, I will get tired of balsamic vinegar. But for now, it's pretty damn good.

Snack: Broccoli.

Boring, but wholesome.

Dinner: Spicy Pasta Salad with beans, tomatoes, mozarella cheese.

When I cooked my pasta last night, I made a little extra. I knew I would need to have something cold for dinner tonight, and I didn't want to use anything very pungent to season it, since I'll be eating in class. I used Cayenne Pepper. We'll see how this goes.

Good Things About Day Two:
- I feel like the Sonoma Diet is making me balance my meals, which is what I really want to be doing.
- Avocado.

Bad Things About Day Two:
- Trying to figure out if I can go out to lunch with a friend tomorrow.
- Contemplating my next grocery bill.

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