Monday, April 03, 2006


The Eighth Day

Day: 8
Mood: Tired
Weight: 24 lbs.

I was almost perfectly behaved this weekend. Sure, I had a few too many meatballs at dinner on Friday night. Sure, my lunch salad yesterday had bacon and honey mustard dressing (which I only used a tiny bit of). Sure, I had a sugar free Rita's tangerine (sugar free means calorie free when speaking of Italian ice, right?). But still.

And then I went to my parents' house for dinner last night. And I had three glasses of red wine.


Anyway, I refuse to beat myself up about it. I still managed to lose half a pound this weekend. I'm six down. I'm happy and healthy and bopping along.

Tonight is going to be kind of tough, as I'll probably be pulling my first grad school all nighter to get a paper done. And when I stay up all night writing papers, I want to snack. I'd better go out and buy some red peppers!

Breakfast: 1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal with 1 cup of Skim Milk.

Almost out of Kashi. Should probably pick up some more of that at the store as well.

Lunch: Romaine lettuce with Balsamic vinegarette. Two Chicken Breasts and mushrooms in a Marsala wine sauce.

I'm still trying to figure out how to eat out on the diet. The correct thing would have been to just eat one of the Chicken Breasts. But I was still hungry, and I wanted that other chicken breast, so I ate it. It happens.

I can't figure out if Marsala sauce is okay on the diet or not. I think it is almost okay. Certainly a light wine sauce is fine, but I think something is added to thicken the marsala sauce (flour, perhaps?). I think if I made my own Chicken Marsala, it would be fabulous.

But for being dragged to an Italian restaurant for lunch, I didn't do half bad.

Dinner: Chicken Tabloueth (made-up word) over greens.

I have to finish the extra Tabloueth that I made for my trip this weekend. And then tomorrow, I must eat all the vegetables in my fridge so they don't go bad!

Good Things About Day Eight:
- Stripper Class tonight (finally)
- Losing Six Pounds

Bad Things About Day Eight:
- Having to eat leftovers.
- Cheating.
- Wanting to eat cheese with dinner tonight. Will have to do some replanning...

It is a great thing to know our vices.
~ Cicero

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