Tuesday, April 04, 2006


The Ninth Day

Day: 9
Mood: The Magical Mellow derived from an almost all-nighter.
Weight: 23-1/2 lbs.

Only one more day on Wave One- hurrah! Though I have to say the idea of adding fruit to my current repetoire o' food sounds...expensive. But wine. Mmmm. Chocolate (once in awhile). Mmmm.

Last night I stayed up until four-thirty in the morning working on a paper. I chugged Diet Mountain Dew and Tab energy drinks all last night and all through the day today. I'm kind of dehydrated because of this, but there's nothing I can do. Sometimes, a girl needs her caffeine to survive.

From now on, I am only counting whole pound losses, not half pound losses. Afterall, a half pound can be just a tiny weight shift on the scale. And then I'd be pretty disappointed if it showed back up the next day. Half pounds are sneaky like that. So, whole pounds only.

Breakfast: 1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal with 1 cup of Skim Milk.

Mmm...fiber twigs (Katharine, don't knock 'em til you've tried 'em!).

Lunch: Half of a whole wheat pita stuffed with canned tuna, spinach, red peppers. Pita spread with a mixture of laughing cow cheese, olive oil and spicy mustard.

This was delicious. I wish I was still eating it instead of just writing about it.

Dinner: Spinach salad with red peppers, blue cheese and black beans.

I've already made this up and it is sitting in the kitchen fridge.

Snack: Sliced red peppers. Too many diet sodas.

I realize that I will eventually get tired of red peppers if I continue to consume them at this rate. However, they are so delicious! Last night, I discovered a fabulous late-night-paper-writing snack: red peppers with melted laughing cow cheese. I used the cheese as a kind of dip. It doesn't melt very well, but the contrast between the hot, soft cheese and the cold, crisp pepper is excellent.

Sometime soon, I am writing an ode to the Red Pepper.

Good Things About Day Nine:
- Almost done Wave One!
- Making up my own absurd recipes.
- Laughing cow cheese goes with EVERYTHING.

Bad Things About Day Nine:
- Excess of diet soda.

You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.
~ Julia Child

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