Wednesday, April 05, 2006


The Tenth Day (of Triumph!)

Day: 10
Mood: Triumphant!
Weight: 23-1/2 lbs.

Well, this is it: the last day of Wave One. I've made it! And it really was much, much easier than I'd anticipated. Eating more natural, less-processed foods that I cook myself is fun and tasty. And I've lost 6-1/2 pounds: nothing wrong with that!

That out of the way, I ate more than I should have last night. I refuse to call it cheating because I was still hungry after dinner, so I had more to eat. I'm not starving myself, after all, I'm just dieting.

I had 1-1/2 whole wheat pitas, lightly sprinkled with mozzarella cheese and melted: rather like a quesadilla. Mmmm, it was delicious. I probably should have had veggies instead, but oh well.

My goal for these next ten days, now that I am on Wave 2, is to up my exercise. I've had a lot of trouble being motivated to run after my half-marathon, but I think the only way to beat that is to drag myself out and run anyway. Also, I was legitimately a little too busy these past few days with the huge paper I had due.

And I am house sitting this week, which means (drum roll, please): free food! I love free food, yes I do!

Breakfast: 1 cup of Kashi GoLean cereal with 1 cup of Skim Milk.

Tomorrow, I may have eggs to stir it up a bit. Then again, cereal is just so easy. Ooh, and I am allowed to have plain yogurt for breakfast tomorrow. But I've never had plain yogurt, and it might not be any good.

Lunch: Same as yesterday.

I am not writing all that out again. But yesterday's lunch was so fabulously delicious and easy (plus I had half a can of tuna leftover), that I decided to try it again.

Dinner: Asparagus Salad

From the Book. I am very excited to try this recipe!

Snack: Red Peppers (what else?). Chilled hibiscus tea.

I love pink tea.

Good Things About Day Ten:
- Tomorrow I start something new and exciting. Things I plan on eating:
- Blueberries
- Sweet Potatoes
- Pink Tea
- The loose fit of my khaki pants this morning (and I'm trying to figure out when I last washed them, which could be it, too. Dirty pants are loose pants...and if that doesn't sound sexual, I don't know what does).

Bad Things About Day Ten:
- Still fighting that half a pound.
- Last night's extreme after dinner hunger: where did that come from?

I don't have a secret to not being hungrey... I don't think, anyway. I drink alot (alot) of water and tea and my daily coffee.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it all the way through! Very very impressive!
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