Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Wave 1, Day 5

Day: 5
Mood: Halfway there! Is that really my face?

Breakfast: 1 cup Whole Grain Shredded Wheat, 1 cup milk

Lunch: Salad: romaine lettuce, raw spinach, red bell pepper, chicken, feta crumbles, mushrooms, hummus, balsamic vinegar, olive oil; water & unsweetened iced tea.

Dinner: Salad: raw spinach, red bell pepper, chicken, mushrooms, humus, balsamic vinegar and olive oil; whole wheat penne; water and unsweetened iced tea

Snack(s): colby cheese stick, ice coffee w/cream and Splenda

Exercise: 25 min. cardio; 20 minutes lifting/anerobic

Today, while sitting through yet another pronunciation lecture on the Carmina Burana I caught my reflection in the large mirror at the back of the chorus room. And my immediate reaction is, "Where am I?" I then spent the rest of refersal staring at my chin and my gorgeous long neck.

I love Sonoma.

When I was first looking into the Sonoma, I laughed off the "After Wave 1, you won't be able to understand how you ever ate the larger portion sizes you're currently used to." Right. Sure. Just a few days and suddenly a life-long habit will be changed.
But really, I couldn't finish my dinner tonight (those grains seem to expand when they hit my stomach) and I didn't need the between lunch and dinner snack, nor did I obsess over what I would be eating next.

And my new skirt is too big... so are my pants... and the brown jacket that I used to find "slimming."

Not that I know how much I've lost... but it's a fantastic feeling to have your clothes getting too big.

Good Things About Day Five:
- It's working!
- My neck
- humus

Bad Things About Day Five:
- Tuesdays are the longest-day-of-my-life

I am still hungry during meals and I never can't finish: what's your secret?

Also: great job! Isn't this awesome?
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