Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Wave 1, Day 6

Day: 6
Mood: Contentish

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 slice multigrain toast, ice coffee w/cream & 1 packet of Spleda

Lunch: Salad: romaine lettuce, raw spinach, red bell pepper, chicken, hummus; water & unsweetened iced tea.

Dinner: 1/2 wrap w/chicken, lettuce, beans, salsa and cheddar; water and unsweetened iced tea; Salad: avacado and tomato

Snack(s): 11 almonds, hot tea

Exercise: 25 min. cardio; 20 minutes lifting/anerobic

I haven't had sugar since Day 1's "accidental SweetTart." And, surprisingly, I haven't been missing/craving it like I thought I would. At first I grudgingly used 2 packets of Slenda in my coffee, convinced it would never be the same. However, over the past two days I've felt like it's been too sweet, so I went down to one.
Today, as I was starting the yogurt cheese for Saturday's Sonoma Celebration, I tasted plain yogurt for the first time in years. In my head, plain yogurt is bland-- almost tasteless. However, today my tongue disagreed. It was so creamy with a hint of sweetness. I'm looking forward to the addition of plain yogurt to my menu. Yummmm!
I've started noticing other flavors too - Court's right: bell peppers are fantastic. So's spinach.
It's rather eye-opening. We become so reliant on the tastes of processed, prepared and preserved foods that we lose the ability to really enjoy REAL food. Healthy food's tastier than you might think.

The cafeteria did not deliver on dinner tonight. My wrap was uninspired. But then I went to the grocery store and found that avacados and tomatos were on major sale (double yum!). And I've layed in a mini Sonoma improved chocolate stash for later. I, apparently, have more will power than I thought, but Wave 2 allows for occasional bite sized peices of antioxidant rich dark chocolate, and who am I to argue?

Good Things About Day Five:
-retrained taste buds are better

Bad Things About Day Five:
- No complaints

Hey, what kind of chocolate did you get?
Lindt-- 75% cocoa dark chocolate. Not bittersweet, but pretty close.
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