Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Not v.g.

Day: 37
Mood: decidedly anti-diet yet pro-weight loss (connundrum? Yes!)
Weight: 26

And now, a quote from Bridget Jones' Diary:

9 am. Aargh. How can I have put on 3 lbs. since the middle of the night? I was 130 when I went to bed, 128 at 4 a.m. and 131 when I got up. I can understand weight coming off- it could have evaporated or passed out of the body into the toilet- but how could it be put on? Could food react chemically with other food, double in density and volume, and solidify into even heavier and denser hard fat? I don't look fatter. I can fasten the button, though not, alas, the zipper on my '89 jeans. So maybe my whole body is getting smaller but denser. The whole thing smacks of female bodybuilders and makes me feel strangely sick. Call up Jude to complain about diet failure, who says write down everything you've eaten, honestly, and see if you stuck to the diet. Here is list.

Breakfast: hot-cross bun (Scarsdale Diet- slight variation on specified piece of whole-wheat toast); Mars Bar (Scarsdale Deit- slight variation on specified half grapefruit)
Snack: two bananas, two pears (switched to F-plan as starving and cannot face Scarsdale carrot snacks). Carton orange juice (Anti-Cellulite Raw Food Diet)
Lunch: Potato (Scarsdale Vegetarian Diet) and hummus (Hay Diet- fine with baked spuds as all starch, and breakfast and snack were alkaline-forming with exception of hot-cross bun and Mars: minor abberation)
Dinner: four glasses of wine, fish and chips (Scarsdale Diet and also Hay Diet- protein forming); portion tiramisu; Tolberone (pissed)

I realize it has become too easy to find a diet to fit in with whatever you happen to feel lik eating and that diets are not there to be picked and mixed but picked and stuck to, which is exactly what I shall begin to do once I've eaten this chocolate croissant.

Helen Fielding, "Bridget Jones' Diary", (64-65), 1996

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