Wednesday, July 19, 2006


The Thing About TV Dinners...

an indepth look at my recent lunch trend

Now that I'm poor (as usual) and lazy (as usual) and trying to save money while losing weight (odd), TV dinners start to seem like an interesting option.

Over the past two days, I have tried two examples of these frozen meals: Lean Cuisine's Chicken Pecan ($2.47 at Target) and Weight Watchers Smart Ones' Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans ($1.89 at Target).

Smart Ones Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans

Fat 6 g, Cal 310, Carbs 51 g, Cholesterol 15 mg, Dietary Fiber 4 g, Sugar 6 g, Protein 10 g

Serving Size: 283 g

Claims to use a 'Now Tastier South of the Border Recipe'.

Also, there was something in it that tasted and looked like zucchini, but zucchini is not listed in the ingredients. Chicken pieces and chicken broth were, however, which was slightly disconcerting as I didn't see or taste chicken and, until I read that, had been under the impression that it was a vegetarian dish.

Still, it tasted good (probably because of the cheese and sour cream), it wasn't bad for me and it was cheap.

Lean Cuisine Chicken Pecan

Fat 6 g, Cal 260, Carbs 32 g, Cholesterol 30 mg, Dietary Fiber 4 g, Sugar 6 g, Protein 9 g

Serving Size: 255 g

I found this box much more calming. Smart Ones had too much scary red.

This is part of Lean Cuisine's 'Spa Cuisine', which means it uses 100% whole grains, no preservatives and no artificial flavors. I liked that a lot. It was almost like Sonoma but without the chopping and cooking. Lazy Sonoma.

I also found the Chicken Pecan tasty. The tastiness of the dishes was very surprising to me, as I am used to frozen meals tasting like particularly chewy cardboard. I think this is because I've mostly tried pastas in the past.

Overall, though the Lean Cuisine is a little more expensive, if I had to choose one, I'd go with that. Probably because Sonoma has trained me so well. I am wary of white grains. Bad grains.

The thing about TV dinners is, however, no matter how tasty or healthy...they don't leave me feeling quite full. Almost full. But not quite. Not sure what to do about this. I may try adding a piece of fruit. Then again, if I started to eat regular breakfast again, I might not be so hungry at lunch and this might not be a problem anymore.

ooooh. i love this "team blogging" thing. it reminds me of our england journal. maybe this could be a way for us to start compiling book ideas. blogging is way more fun than emailing. and it's easier to scroll back through.
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